Welcome to the Biggest Loser - Turlock's 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge.

Biggest Loser Turlock begins a new 12-Week Individuals Challenge on January 7, 2014! You’re making a commitment to lose weight, and we’re looking forward to supporting you along the way. Check in on our blog often for weekly results, mini - challenges, and tips to help you stay on track and lead a healthy lifestyle!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

No Weigh-In May 28th

Just a reminder that there is no morning workout or afternoon weigh-in on Monday, May 28th...Memorial Day. See you at workout on Tuesday May 29th. Next weigh-in is Monday, June 3rd.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Prevent Vacation Weight Gain

How to Have Fun without Gains and Guilt
For many of us, vacation is a time to relax by sitting around, napping, sipping cocktails, eating indulgent foods, and leaving our worries behind. Unfortunately, all that "sitting around" and comfort food could cause vacation weight gain and bloat. Here's how to have fun on vacation—and eat the foods you want while making sure your figure is still in tip-top shape when you return.

Rent a condo or an apartment
Studies show that the more frequently you eat out, the more likely you are to have weight gain, because restaurants load you up with hidden calories. If possible, book accommodations with a kitchen; it may cost slightly more, but you'll save a bundle by cooking. Aim to prepare all your breakfasts, plus either lunch or dinner each day. With that in mind, make a grocery list on the plane. Tear off a section for each family member so that you can stop at the store, and divide and conquer, on the way to your vacation destination.

Plan your meals ahead
Pack (or pick up) a sandwich on whole wheat, always carry some nuts, and toss an orange in your purse. With their healthy fats and fiber, the nuts will keep hunger at bay. At restaurants, plan in advance to just eat half. Ask your server when you order to bag up the other half, and savor it for lunch the next day. Finally, when you're on the road, skip the drive-thru and hit a deli. Get turkey on whole wheat, an apple and fat-free yogurt for less than 350 calories! 

Be wise about your food choices
Waffles and pancakes look tempting, but think of them as set decorations. Instead, greet the sunrise with a protein-rich shake or an egg-white omelet to kick-start your metabolism and keep you satisfied. Later in the day, enjoy your favorite fruity concoction with lunch or a glass of wine with dinner, but when you're lounging by the pool, strolling the deck, or playing a midnight game of poker, order an alcohol-free fruit smoothie in a 5-ounce glass for about 90 calories, or opt for a seltzer spiked with juice and lime for around 30 calories. Green tea, which revs your metabolism, is another great option. By night, avoid drinks with cocktail umbrellas and fruit juice (there are 350 calories for a pina colada!) and for for red wine, instead. And if you hit a buffet—common at hotels and on cruise ships—always use the salad plate. Be it for the breakfast bar, lunch buffet, or dinner entrée, this tried-and-true trick will help keep your portions in control. Use it to eat a salad before each meal, too--another way to cut your total calories.

Put exercise on your itinerary
Trust us: You’ll be happier and feel healthier if you squeeze in some activity while you’re away—and exploring a new city on foot definitely counts. If you’re in more of a resort-type setting, take advantage of the hotel gym or swimming pool (even most small hotels have fitness centers now). If you don't want to spend precious vacation time in your hotel gym, get out and try something new. Depending on where you're staying, you might want to try inline skating or kayaking, or do bike tours or nature hikes. Even 20 minutes a day will help boost your energy levels (essential for all-day sightseeing) and take away some of the guilt from those indulgent vacation dinners.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cardio Fitness for Two

Pair up to Maximize Your Workouts.

Finding the motivation to exercise can be daunting at times but getting a friend or loved one to workout with can help you get the job done. Pairing up during fitness activities might spark energy that allows you to burn more calories than you would if you were alone. Often times it urges you to try new exercises that you otherwise may have not tried by yourself. It even can take your mind off the clock and help you focus on each task or challenge done with your partner. Best of all, exercising with others adds an element of fun to any workout which can help you enjoy fitness and not think of it as work. Put a nice spin on your workout by finding a partner to complete the following exercise with you.

For this workout, you and your partner should start at separate ends of a field or open space (a distance of about 20 or more yards should suffice). Stand facing each other in preparation to run toward each other with the intention of completing a different strength training exercise at the point where you meet.


Start by running toward each other and whenever you meet (this will not necessarily be the middle distance) simultaneously complete 10 Squat Jumps. Sit deep into the squat and jump nonstop until you’ve done 10. Run back to start.

Start again by running toward each other and whenever you meet simultaneously complete 9 Squat Jumps. Sit deep into the squat and jump nonstop until you’ve done 9. Run back to start.

Start again by running toward each other and whenever you meet simultaneously complete 8 Squat Jumps. Sit deep into the squat and jump nonstop until you’ve done 8. Run back to start.

Notice the pattern here. You will do 1 less squat jump each time you run to meet your partner. You will repeat this until you pyramid down to 1 Squat jump. This will be the end of this round.

Take a small break after each round. After about 1 or 2 minutes of recovery each partner should fall in to sit-up position and complete a Long Arm Crunch with a ball or weight in hand. The key here is to pass the ball back and forth to your partner about 20 times. Then start the next round.

The remaining rounds should be done exactly like round one only you will do a different strength training exercise when you meet your partner. You can try hopping, skipping, or high knees to reach your partner instead of basic running.

Try these suggestions for your next few rounds.

ROUND 2: Pushups when you meet your partner

ROUND 3: Side lunges when you meet your partner

You can add as many rounds with different strength training exercise that you’d like. Just make sure you challenge yourself.
By kimfitness on May 20, 2012 10:00 AM in Tips & Updates

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The New Digital Diet

Dieters everywhere are turning to tech support, from apps to Facebook groups to interactive weight loss websites--and dropping pounds permanently.

Losing weight is tough enough without trying to go it alone. Tons of research shows that you're more likely to stick to a diet plan if you have support--you'll eat better and work out harder; you'll drop more pounds and keep them off. Some dieters rely on family and friends for support, while others turn to their computers and smart phones: "Social media, for example, is more and more popular among people trying to lose weight," says Marjorie Nolan, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association and certified personal trainer. From Facebook to smart phone apps, these different technologies offer at-your-fingertips access to weight loss strategies, motivation, and encouragement. Here are 7 ways to get tech weight loss support and reach your goal.

1. Post your goals for friends and followers.Telling your mirror about your exercise plan may not keep you as focused as posting the proclamation to all 248 of your Facebook friends or Tweeting it to dozens of followers. For New Jersey resident Colleen Lange, 41, what started out as a little weight loss contest between a few close friends on Facebook grew into a group of more than 20 participants from 4 states--some of whom she's never met. "We post daily--sharing recipes, supporting one another, even talking a little smack for extra motivation," she says. Connecting with people who share the same goals is like having your very own cheering section, says Rachel Meltzer Warren, RD, a NY-based nutritionist--there's always someone there to celebrate when you drop those first 10 pounds or help you get back on track if you re-gain 3. Personal stories show it works, and the scientific community is paying attention: Government-funded studies are underway looking at how technologies like social networking can help young adults achieve healthy weights.

2. Keep a viral diary.Blogging about all the ups and downs of your weight loss journey--the personal struggles and frustrations, breakthroughs and successes--and knowing there are people following your story, provides an accountability and adherence that you may not get otherwise, says Nolan. Posting photos of meals and details of workouts to her blog--called Carrots 'N' Cake--has helped Tina Haupert maintain a 20-plus pound weight loss for more than 3 years, but what's kept her most on track is the support from her readers. "Anytime I struggle, I talk about it openly and honestly on my blog," she says. "And whether I've gained a few pounds or overdosed on sugar, the comments and advice I get from people who I know are dealing with the same things I am helps me the most."

3. Join a virtual support group.You don't have to leave your house; you don't have to face a room of strangers; you don't even have to give your real name. And while it's true that the more involved you get in the conversations, the more you'll get out of the experience--if one day you just want to read about how fellow dieters are dealing with similar struggles, no one is going to stop you. That's the beauty of online weight loss groups, chat rooms, and forums: They're a convenient and anonymous way to connect with, be encouraged by, and learn from people in your same boat. The added bonus: These "meetings" are free.
4. Keep track of the facts.Interactive weight-management Web sites help you keep tabs on everything from your food to your mood--and research shows that the more you log on, the more pounds you'll keep off. A recent study found that consistent users who recorded their weight at least once a month for two-and-a-half years maintained the most weight loss. The best sites, according to researchers, are ones that encourage you to consistently input your weight, exercise, and calories consumed; include tailored or personalized information; and allow members to communicate with each other and with nutrition and exercise experts.

5. Start an e-mail chain.A new British study found that clients receiving encouraging e-mails from a dietitian were more likely to maintain weight loss; the same method could work between family and friends, too. "If your sister in another state is also trying to lose 20 pounds--and she's the kind of sister who makes you feel motivated--agreeing to regularly e-mail or Skype can absolutely help keep you on track," says Meltzer Warren. That's what Julianne Mosoff, 22, from New York, does with her mom and three aunts every other Wednesday: "We set up an 'accountability thread' e-mail, where we can share all of our ups and downs with a weight loss progress chart at the bottom of the message. Knowing I'll have to report my weight and confess if I skip a workout or eat a tub of ice cream really helps me on track. We're all starting to show some success, plus it's a fun way to diet."
6. Turn your phone into a coach.Need help counting calories? Wonder how far you'll have to walk to burn off those fries? There's an...well, you know the rest. Apps, as we know, abound, and diet and exercise ones are on the rise. Even better, they're getting more personalized and specific to your needs. There's one that tells you what to eat based on your favorite foods (for your iPhone; it's called intelli-Diet). There are also ones that help train you for a 5K and teach you how to use those intimidating-looking machines at the gym. Up to 15% of cell phone owners use apps to manage their health, according to a recent report from the Pew Research Center. With hundreds of thousands of apps available, how do you choose? "Browse for ones that match your lifestyle and needs," says Nolan. "If you often eat out, download an app with restaurant calorie info; if you love to cook, pick one that generates healthy meal plans complete with recipes; there are also apps specific to disease conditions and food allergies." You can even download an app called Cravings Manager: A 5-minute timer starts, encouraging quotes pop up, and by the end of 5 minutes, you convince yourself you shouldn't eat. Ask your friends or peruse weight loss blogs for reviews and recommendations. A note: Apps are only as good as the user entering the information, adds Nolan, so make sure whatever you input is as accurate--and honest--as possible.

7. Snap pix of your plates.Keep a daily log of what you eat, and you'll lose twice as much weight, says a study from Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research. But instead of the standard pen and paper method, take pictures of your daily meals and store your photo diary on your computer or phone: A small study suggests that doing so might improve your diet--knowing you have to take a picture serves as a speed bump in a sense; it may help you be more conscious of and perhaps think twice about your food choices before you eat. Plus, we all have a little selective memory when it comes to our diets, says Meltzer Warren, so recording what you eat as you go contributes to accountability and honesty. Take the pic on your smart phone, and down the road, new phone apps (in development) may be able to estimate the calories and nutritional content on the spot.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to Flip 3 Common Night-time Slips

Let’s face it…after a long, hard day of work, caring for children or an older parent, or just plain running around, many of us look forward to day’s end to relax and unwind—no doubt with some comfort food and drink. But when the lights dim (and before you’re ready to hit the sheets), feeling stressed or just plain tired can make it way too easy for you to lose your resolve and go overboard or make less than healthful choices when it comes to eating and drinking.

Whether you’re simply trying to eat healthier to better manage your weight (or even lose a few pounds), don’t despair--here are some simple tips to help you painlessly sidestep three common night-time slips.

The Slip: You’re ravenous at dinner time. Is you’re afternoon so jam-packed that you find you’re starved by the time dinner rolls around? Chances are, if you go too many hours—especially during the day, while you’re running around—without food, you set yourself up to grab whatever food looks appealing—even if that means fast food, or high calorie, fatty food. That can no doubt lead you to eat well past your comfort point.

The Flip: Always keep healthful, pre-portioned snacks on hand. Instead of ignoring hunger, satisfy it with some easy that you can easily store in your desk drawer, purse, or backpack. Some options include:
Dried fruit
Shelled nuts like cashews, peanuts, pistachios, almonds, or walnuts
Whole grain, high fiber crunchy cereal
Whole grain crackers (such as Triscuits)
Low fat popcorn
If you have a place to safely store perishable foods—like the office refrigerator or a cooler—here are some healthy protein and fiber-packed snacks you can have mid-afternoon:

A few whole grain crackers with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter or an ounce of cheddar cheese (sliced or cubed)
A piece of fruit (eg an apple or banana) with a tablespoon or two of nuts
One cup of low fat, plain, unsweetened yogurt (or Greek yogurt) topped with fresh berries or dried fruit
Half of a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with a touch of mayonnaise and one slice of Swiss cheese
One cup of whole grain, high fiber cereal topped with nonfat milk
If you tend to work through your hunger, make sure to set your phone alarm to the time when hunger usually strikes as a reminder to eat a little something.

The Slip: You graze all night. In theory, eating every few hours throughout the day is a great way to keep your blood sugar levels steady and give you lasting mental and physical energy. But at night, when you’re less active—and when you’re priming your body for sleep—your body requires fewer calories. Eating too much too close to bedtime can also contribute to sleep problems—you may find that on nights you eat late, you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep.

The Flip: Instead of grazing throughout the night, plan to have two evenly spaced mini meals (make sure to leave about an hour between the last mini-meal and bed time). Choose two to three foods from each of the five basic food groups for each mini meal. For example, the first mini-meal can include two ounces of skinless grilled chicken, one cup of brown or wild rice, and one cup of broccoli or another non-starchy vegetable. For the other mini meal, choose something like a cup of low fat plain, unsweetened yogurt or nonfat milk with some fresh berries.

The Slip: When it comes to dessert, one is never enough. Having dessert is a ritual many families—including my own—enjoy. But most desserts (can you say Haagen Dasz ice cream?) pack in lots of calories in relatively small portions. To make things worse, when you mindlessly eat your dessert while you talk on the phone, watch tv, or use your computer, your brain won’t easily register when you’re satisfied or full.

The Flip: The good news is that current dietary guidelines include room in the diet for some empty calories—calories from added sugars and solid fats found in foods like cookies, cake, chocolate, candy, and ice cream—each and every day. A good rule of thumb when it comes to night-time desserts is to stick to a small but satisfying 50 to 100 calorie snack. That’s two to four Hershey® kisses, one to two small chocolate chip cookies, or ¼ to ½ candy bar. Keep only those treats in the house that you aren’t tempted to overeat. If you know you can’t limit these treats to an appropriate portion size, don’t bring them home; instead, think of them as once in a while, pre-planned treats. Stock up on some other sweets (those that come from the basic healthy food groups). Examples include:

Frozen 100 percent fruit/fruit juice fruit bars (100 calories or less)
Fresh fruit in season
Frozen grapes or bananas
Dried fruit
Unsweetened applesauces (in 4 ounce containers)
Low fat, low sugar granola bars
Whole grain, high fiber cereal
Low fat, unsweetened yogurt
Low fat flavored milk

By Elisa Zied, MS, RD, CDN

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

100 Reasons to Exercise Now

We all have those days that we don't want to work out even though we know we should. 
When you need a little motivation, look no further.
Here are 100 reasons you shouldn't skip your workout today.

100 Reasons to Exercise Now 
  1. Because it makes you feel confident
  2. Because it helps you get stronger
  3. Because exercise helps combat depression
  4. Because you'll feel proud of yourself
  5. Because you have goals you want to reach
  6. Because you'll feel bad if you don't
  7. Because you want to move forward, not backward
  8. Because it burns more calories than not working out
  9. Because it improves your heart health
  10. Because you want a great butt
  11. Because it prevents diabetes
  12. Because you want to be a good example to your kids
  13. Because you want to feel good in your clothes
  14. Because it reduces your risk of cancer
  15. Because your body was made to move
  16. Because you want to be an athlete
  17. Because you want to look better
  18. Because it lifts your mood
  19. Because you want to stand taller
  20. Because it reduces back pain
  21. Because it feels good
  22. Because it makes you feel accomplished
  23. Because you spend most of your day on your butt
  24. Because swimsuit season is always coming
  25. Because strong is the new skinny
  26. Because dieting only works so much
  27. Because it strengthens your bones, too
  28. Because it helps you lose weight
  29. Because it allows you to eat more food
  30. Because it's the best way to spend "me" time
  31. Because it helps you de-stress
  32. Because it's cheaper than therapy
  33. Because you want a strong core
  34. Because you want to take care for yourself
  35. Because you take pride in your body
  36. Because it strengthens your legs
  37. Because it helps your clothes fit better
  38. Because you want to push yourself
  39. Because you are capable of more than you ever imagined
  40. Because moving your body feels good
  41. Because it keeps your mind sharp
  42. Because it helps you beat belly bloat
  43. Because it helps you sleep better at night
  44. Because it gives you energy
  45. Because you want to stay healthy as you age
  46. Because you want to look younger
  47. Because you want toned arms
  48. Because it improves your balance
  49. Because it burns off last night's dessert
  50. Because it boosts your immune system
  51. Because sweat is sexy
  52. Because you want to live longer
  53. Because you want to get better at your game
  54. Because you want to catch someone's eye
  55. Because exercisers earn more money
  56. Because you're more likely to eat better when you exercise
  57. Because you want to shave time off your running pace
  58. Because you want to breathe easier
  59. Because you want to see the scale drop
  60. Because exercise improves your sex life
  61. Because you are worth it
  62. Because being fit makes everything in life better
  63. Because you promised yourself that you would
  64. Because you deserve a better life
  65. Because it'll help you drink more water
  66. Because you want to do real push-ups
  67. Because it reduces your health care costs
  68. Because you'll miss fewer days of work
  69. Because you want to create a new future for yourself
  70. Because it'll help you like what you see in the mirror
  71. Because it makes clothing shopping more fun
  72. Because you want to look and feel incredible
  73. Because exercising can be fun
  74. Because it'll give your skin a glow
  75. Because it's a good way to spend time with your friends
  76. Because it'll help you prevent the middle-age spread
  77. Because it reduces your blood pressure
  78. Because you don't want to let yourself go
  79. Because you don't want to squeeze into an airplane or rollercoaster seat
  80. Because it strengthens your spirit
  81. Because it's a cheap way to entertain yourself
  82. Because you'll be able to reward yourself
  83. Because you need a reason to wear those new workout clothes
  84. Because you're tired of being tired
  85. Because not working out is not going to get you very far
  86. Because it's a great way to spend time outside
  87. Because you made a commitment to yourself
  88. Because you're tired of starting over
  89. Because there will always be another wedding, vacation or reunion
  90. Because you're not a quitter
  91. Because it improves your cholesterol
  92. Because it boosts your metabolism
  93. Because it prevents age-related muscle loss
  94. Because if you can do this, you can do anything
  95. Because a fit body is a healthy body
  96. Because it beats sitting on the couch
  97. Because  everyone has at least 10 minutes to spare
  98. Because you want to be stronger than your excuses
  99. Because not working out isn't working out for you
  100. Because the only workout you ever regret is the one you skip

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mini Challenge Winners...

Our mini -challenge yesterday (Monday 4/30) was to see who could hold a wall-sit the longest. Wall sits are primarily a lower-body exercise. They strengthen the quadricep muscles on the front of your thighs, the hamstrings on the back of your thighs and the gluteal muscles of your seat and hips. Your abdominal, back and calf muscles are also engaged and act as stabilizing muscles for this exercise.

Our winner are:
Ronna Uliana  -  5 minutes, 30 seconds
Jan Bishel       -  4 minutes, 1 second
Ally O'Dell     -  3 minutes, 46 seconds

and our random drawing winners from those that participated in the challenge are:
Mike Boster & Sarah Cooper!

Congratulation winners, your prizes ( a copy of the Biggest Loser At-Home Challenge workout DVD, will be available at next Monday's weigh-in!

Why Your Diet Tanks At Night

What really happens to your good intentions

It’s the same old story: You start out your day with the best of eating intentions but, by lunchtime, that candy bar’s starting to sound really good. And dinner? Well, let’s just say the pizza delivery guy asked you to come to his wedding. Just as the last few miles of a marathon are the most arduous (or so we hear), your healthy-eating habits tend to break down as the day wears on, finds a new survey by the digital health company Massive Health. 
Using an app that lets users send in photos of their meals, Massive Health tracked the eating habits of thousands of people over five months. The results? Most of us hit the wall in our daily race to eat well. In fact, the foods you eat for dinner are nearly 16 percent less healthy than what you ate for breakfast. And get this: For every hour that passes during the day, the healthfulness of the foods you eat drops 1.7 percent.
“These findings don’t surprise me,” says Manuel Villacorta, RD, author of Eating Free. People tend to eat worse as the busy day wears down their diet resolve, he says. Another culprit: The hunger hormone ghrelin, which can build up quickly when you skip meals, eat too little, or exercise without eating. “Ghrelin makes your hunger spin out of control, and you’ll reach for anything you can get your hands on,” Villacorta says. 
The good news is that this eating pattern doesn’t have to be your forgone conclusion. Here’s how to beat those daily food demons:  
Eat breakfast already! No more excuses. The survey found that people who don’t eat breakfast eat significantly more food during the day—something no shortage of research confirms. Be sure your a.m. meal includes plenty of protein, says Susan Bowerman, RD, assistant director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition. Many women don’t eat enough hunger-quelling protein for breakfast and end up reaching for junky treats before lunch, she says. Eggs, Greek yogurt, and cottage cheese are all good sources of breakfast protein. 
Veg it up at lunch. And keep downing the protein, too. “Vegetables are healthy, filling, and low-cal,” Bowerman says. Lunch selections like stir-fry with tofu or a salad with beans and hard-boiled eggs are a great way to mix protein with plenty of veggies. 
Incorporate snack attacks. Think of healthy snacking as your chance to bridge the dangerous gap between meals, especially the long, perilous afternoon stretch between lunch and dinner, Bowerman says. Pack half a sandwich and fruit, a protein shake, or a bowl of lentil soup for anafternoon snack. “You won't be starving at dinner time, and you can keep the last meal of the day light,” she says.