TOP 10 through week 3
1. Holt, Derick -9.21%
2. Almarez, Martin -9.14%
3. Hooker, James -8.66%
4. Holt, Rick -8.38%
5. Parreira, Merry -6.84%
6. Parreira, Joe -6.65%
7. Rodrigues, Darren -5.74%
8. Jimenez, Jose -5.53%
9. Gonzales, Elizabeth -5.50%
10. Jimenez, Sophia -5.42%
As a group, we have now lost a total of 758lb in 3 weeks!
THIS WEEKS NEW MINI CHALLENGE: By including exercise in your weight loss program, you’ll discover that not only will the weight come off, but your metabolism will improve, your fat will be replaced by lean, muscle tissue (rather than loose, jiggly flab), you’ll feel more energetic and mentally alert, and you’ll be better able to keep the fat off. Our goal for you this week is to come and try out one of the early morning or evening Biggest Loser exercise classes that we offer our challenge participants free of charge. For each Biggest Loser exercise class you attend, your name will be put in a drawing for 1 of 3 Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred with Weights DVD's. If you attend one class this week, your name goes in the drawing once...If you attend 3 of the classes this week, you get your name in the drawing 3 times! I'm attaching our workout schedule to this email, or you can visit our blog for the schedule of times as well by clicking http://BLTurlock.blogspot.com
Last weeks Mini Challenge winners: Last week we challenged you to lose 2lbs in one week. 33 of you lost 2 lbs or more! Great job. Our 5 winners are (names randomly chosen)
Mike Curry
Jaylen Schindler
Ronna Uliana
Paulette Cooper
Darren Rodrigues
Congratulations! You each won a Biggest Loser Complete Calorie Count Book! The book will be in your file next monday at weigh-in!
This week not only saw 33 people LOSE 2 lbs or more, but we also had a large contingent of folks who really struggled. As a matter of fact, we had over 40 people who GAINED weight this week. Am I surprised? No. 3 weeks into a diet plan, that's when it starts getting tough. The novelty is wearing off. The reality is setting in. This is just plain hard work! The truth is, after the 3rd week has usually been when i quit and give up.
You may have been dieting for a few weeks, started off well, but over the last couple of weeks your weight loss may have slowed down. In fact, you may even have gained a couple of pounds and right now you may be wondering if you can be bothered to continue. You may even be thinking to yourself: "Just one more bad week and I can stop dieting and slip away quietly."
If this sounds like you, let me ask you a question.
Q. Have you experienced this type of situation before? For example, did your previous diet plan end in similar circumstances? Did slower weight loss cause you to feel disillusioned about your progress and then to quit the diet altogether? If so, what happened when you stopped dieting? Did you feel better? Were you happier? What has happened to your weight since that time?

Bearing in mind your answers to these questions, let me try and explain the reality of losing weight. Not the hype, not the false promises, but the reality.
Most of us become overweight as a result of bad eating habits. To reduce weight, we need to change these habits. But this change can only happen over time. Starting a diet won't erase all your regular cravings for fattening foods overnight. You need at least a couple of months to feel comfortable with your new eating habits.
Unfortunately, most dieters expect miracles! They think that as soon as they start dieting, all their bad eating habits will fly out the window. And when this doesn't happen, they become unhappy and frustrated and - usually after about three weeks - give up their diet altogether.
As we say to all our participants, the truth is that losing weight requires patience and, above all, realistic expectations. Most people who expect rapid continuous weight-loss are doomed to rapid disappointment. You need to persevere, and be prepared to "bounce back" from the inevitable bad days and bad weeks.
But it's definitely worth it.
I mean, how does quitting your diet help? Sure, it might take some pressure off you temporarily, but pretty soon you're going to look in the mirror and think "Ouch!" And all your old negative feelings about yourself are going to come flooding back. Which will probably lead to more comfort-eating and more weight gain.
So quitting a diet is no solution to anything.
The people who succeed at losing weight are not "perfect dieters". They do not lose weight every week. They do not have a secret store of super-human willpower that stops them from wanting to binge on ice cream, chocolate or pizza. They have bad days and bad weeks, just like any other dieter. The thing that distinguishes them and the thing that helps them succeed, is that THEY DO NOT GIVE UP WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH. They don't fold if disaster strikes.
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