Derick Holt! Derick lost 22.2% of his bodyweight for a grand prize of $1750.00! Semper Fi my friend! You're ready for the Marines now...but are they ready for YOU!!!???
1. Holt, Derick $1750.00 -22.2%
2. Hooker, James $700.00 -21.4%
3. Almarez, Martin $525.00 -21.1%
4. Baucom, Debbie $350.00 -17.9%
5. Holt, Rick $275.00 -17.2%
6. Parreira, Merry $200.00 -16.4%
7. Parreira, Joe $175.00 -15.4%
8. Turnbow, Juli $150.00 -14.4%
9. Yonano, Susan $125.00 -13.5%
10. Kelly, Julie $100.00 -12.8%
Thanks to all of you for a well fought battle. The 10 of you lost a combined 412 lbs! But more importantly, GREAT JOB setting into motion new healthy habits that have and will continue to make huge impacts on your overall health! All participant combined lost a total of 1284 lbs!
Next round of Biggest Loser starts January 3rd, 2011!
For those of you who have signed up for our 6-week Holiday Challenge: 50 people have signed up and we are on our way! Remember, no weigh-ins until January 3rd, but you will receive a weekly email with tips to help you stay on track at maintaining your weight during the holiday season.
Welcome to the Biggest Loser - Turlock's 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge.
Biggest Loser Turlock begins a new 12-Week Individuals Challenge on January 7, 2014! You’re making a commitment to lose weight, and we’re looking forward to supporting you along the way. Check in on our blog often for weekly results, mini - challenges, and tips to help you stay on track and lead a healthy lifestyle!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Holidays.... UGH!

Yes, the holidays are coming. But that doesn't mean you have to gain weight. Here are 10 tips to help you stay slim over the holidays.
1. Just because it Christmas doesn't mean you have to give up your normal routine. If you normally have tea and an egg-white omelet for breakfast, then keep doing that over the holidays. Don't forget to go to the gym, also. But long brisk walks are just as good. Note: exercise reduces stress.
2. If you are running around all-day and are feeling very hungry, don't reach for the donuts. Instead, try some fruit. An apple, or a banana and a cup of green tea. As soothing cup of hot chocolate will also make you feel less hungry.
3. If you know you'll over do the sweets after a wonderful Christmas dinner, then skip one of the side dishes.
4. Don't overeat. We all like to try every dish in front of us, but you don't have to eat large portions. This was you won't be mad at yourself later.
5. If you don't want to eat continuously, take a break and do something else. Play with the children. Go for a walk.
6. If you're full, stop eating. Eating more and more and more will only cause you to put off stopping. Only eat 2 pieces of cake and then offer to help in the kitchen.
7. If you're out shopping all day, eat something. Don't starve yourself until dinner and then overeat. Get a snack that is high protein, low fat.
8. If you're going to a holiday party, don't fast all day. If you are that hungry you will eat a lot and quickly. So eat a normal meal during the day before you go to the party. At the party, eat small portions, and try not to eat seconds.
9. If you always eat a lot of the cookies you bake , try something else. Bake other treats that you don't care for.
10. If you travel during the holidays, pack drinks and snacks. Fruit, trail mix, power bars.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Top 6 Fitness Myths and Truths

Would your friends lie to you? They just might be...
This time of year is all about starting fresh—new goals, solid plans, better habits. You probably have a new exercise routine to help you reach your weight loss and fitness goals. Along the way, whether in the gym, reading the latest books, or talking with your friends, you’ll hear a lot of advice about exercise—not all of which is true.
There are several common misconceptions about exercise and weight loss, but don’t let yourself be fooled! Here are the Top 6 Fitness Myths and the Truths that debunk them:
Myth #1: You can take weight off of specific body parts by doing exercises that target those areas.
Truth: This concept is called "spot training" and unfortunately, it doesn’t burn fat. When you lose weight, you are unable to choose the area in which the reduction will occur. Your body predetermines which fat stores it will use. For example, doing sit-ups will strengthen you abs but will not take the fat off of your stomach. Similarly, an activity like running burns fat all over your body, not just your legs. You can, however, compliment a balanced exercise program with a selection of weight training exercises to gradually lose weight and tone the body.
Myth #2: Women who lift weights will bulk up.
Truth: While on a weight lifting program, the right hormones (testosterone) are necessary in order to bulk up. Women’s testosterone levels are much lower than men’s, so in most cases, they are not capable of building large muscles. In fact, since muscle takes up less room than fat, women tend to lose inches when they strength train. So in addition to the physical benefits (increased metabolism, decreased risk of osteoporosis, increased strength), strength training will help you slim down too!
Myth #3: If you can’t exercise hard and often, there’s really no point.
Truth: Even moderate activity is shown to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. If you don’t have 30 minutes in your day to exercise, try splitting it up into 10-minute segments instead. Everyone can find 10 minutes to spare sometime during the day! There are simple things you can do to increase your activity without having to go to the gym: take the stairs instead of the elevator, jump rope or do body weight exercises (push ups, crunches) at commercial breaks, take a short walk after lunch. Remember that any exercise is better than none!
Myth #4: Performing abdominal exercises will give you a flat stomach.
Truth: This is similar to Myth #1 above. The fact is, the only way to get a flat stomach is to strip away the fat around the midsection. This is accomplished by doing cardio/aerobic exercise (to burn calories), strength training (to increase metabolism) and following a proper diet. Abdominal exercises will help to build muscle in your midsection, but you will never see the muscle definition unless the fat in this area is stripped away.
Myth #5: You will burn more fat if you exercise longer at a lower intensity.
Truth: The most important factor in exercise and weight control is not the percentage of fat calories burned, but the total calories burned during the activity. The faster you walk, bike or swim, for example, the more calories you use per minute. Although you will be burning fewer "fat calories", you will be burning more total calories, and in turn, will lose more weight.
Myth #6: No pain, no gain!
Truth: Exercise should not be painful! At the height of your workout, you should be sweating and breathing hard. You should not be so out of breath that you cannot answer a question, but should not be so comfortable that you can carry on a full conversation. That’s how you know you are working at a good level. It’s important to distinguish between muscle fatigue (feeling "the burn") and muscle/joint pain (sharp and uncomfortable pain during movement). Pain is your body’s way of telling you that you’re doing something wrong. Listen to your body. If it’s painful, stop!
There’s a lot of fitness information out there- some reliable, some not. The important thing is to ask questions. If you don’t understand something or question the source, ask a qualified fitness professional for their advice. Sticking to the truths of these myths will keep you healthy, injury-free, and on track to meeting your fitness goals.
-- By Jen Mueller, Certified Personal Trainer
Friday, November 12, 2010
Do You Suffer from Diet Rage?
Rules of the Road to Help You Reach Your Destination
-- By Mike Kramer, Sparkpeople Staff Writer
After slowing down to an unexplained stop for the 147th time in the space of 2 miles, I decided that I hated the world. Surrounding me were an ocean of maddening brake lights, rain pelting the windshield and thousands of tons of steel and fiberglass flung around by a clueless pack of selfish morons who obviously didn’t know the first thing about driving!!
It was in serious danger of ruining my whole day.
Is there anything more frustrating than being bogged down in traffic? Most all of us have been there before. That discouraged, fed up feeling that just makes us want to throw up our hands in surrender or lay them on the horn.
Thankfully, I stopped muttering helplessly and started thinking instead. And I realized that I often witness another type of "road rage" – the frustration that builds on the road to weight loss: Diet Rage.

Think about your dieting history. Does it give you the same feeling as an exasperating traffic jam? You never quite get where you want to go as fast as you want to get there. You get aggravated, yell (usually at yourself), and see people in other lanes going faster than you (how do they DO that?!), and it usually ends up ruining your day.
Here’s the lesson: Getting frustrated with your diet does no more good than getting frustrated in traffic. It just makes you unhappy, unsuccessful and tense.
By the time I got to work (it was a long commute), I noticed a lot of things that we, as weight loss veterans, can learn from traffic jams. Next time you start to feel frustrated with your weight loss progress, keep these "lessons of the road" in mind:
Pay less attention to how much further you have to travel. Stop asking yourself "are we there yet?" You’ll get there when you get there. Instead, look at the scenery, think about life, carry on a conversation, sing along with the radio, or simply be thankful for how far you’ve come.
The journey is always more fun with a passenger. Have you asked anyone along for the ride?
You know the route you need to take to reach your weight loss goals. It’s already mapped out. As long as you stay pointed in the right direction, you’ll get there. Even in the worst traffic jams, you still get to your destination at some point. It’s the same way with dieting – just a matter of time. It may take longer than you first expected, but you will get there.
There will always be periods of stopping and starting. It’s something that you should just anticipate and allow for. No use getting upset or stressed about not making progress. It’s a normal part of the journey.
Sometimes, you’ve just gotta go with the flow of what’s going on around you. Life can present some situations that you really can’t do anything about. When that happens, staying straight and steady – doing the best that you can – will keep you on track and sane. In traffic, impatient people stop, change lanes, weave in and out of other cars, driving themselves and everyone else crazy – and in the end, usually don’t get any farther along than you do by staying put and going with the flow.
Shortcuts never work.
Driving too fast is dangerous. That’s why they call it "crash" dieting. Slow down, take what life gives you, and make sure you arrive at your destination in good health.
I finally did get to my destination after all. Hands were pried away from the steering wheel, teeth were unclenched, and a few aspirin were popped. Of course, people in the cars around me probably had a good laugh at my arm-waving and soundless yelling. Funny how we can lose our senses when faced with something that frustrates us, whether it’s traffic or our diets.
Thanks to these insights, my story had a happy ending. Hopefully, remembering these rules will help you reach your destination sooner – and more content – than you expected.
-- By Mike Kramer, Sparkpeople Staff Writer
After slowing down to an unexplained stop for the 147th time in the space of 2 miles, I decided that I hated the world. Surrounding me were an ocean of maddening brake lights, rain pelting the windshield and thousands of tons of steel and fiberglass flung around by a clueless pack of selfish morons who obviously didn’t know the first thing about driving!!
It was in serious danger of ruining my whole day.
Is there anything more frustrating than being bogged down in traffic? Most all of us have been there before. That discouraged, fed up feeling that just makes us want to throw up our hands in surrender or lay them on the horn.
Thankfully, I stopped muttering helplessly and started thinking instead. And I realized that I often witness another type of "road rage" – the frustration that builds on the road to weight loss: Diet Rage.

Think about your dieting history. Does it give you the same feeling as an exasperating traffic jam? You never quite get where you want to go as fast as you want to get there. You get aggravated, yell (usually at yourself), and see people in other lanes going faster than you (how do they DO that?!), and it usually ends up ruining your day.
Here’s the lesson: Getting frustrated with your diet does no more good than getting frustrated in traffic. It just makes you unhappy, unsuccessful and tense.
By the time I got to work (it was a long commute), I noticed a lot of things that we, as weight loss veterans, can learn from traffic jams. Next time you start to feel frustrated with your weight loss progress, keep these "lessons of the road" in mind:
Pay less attention to how much further you have to travel. Stop asking yourself "are we there yet?" You’ll get there when you get there. Instead, look at the scenery, think about life, carry on a conversation, sing along with the radio, or simply be thankful for how far you’ve come.
The journey is always more fun with a passenger. Have you asked anyone along for the ride?
You know the route you need to take to reach your weight loss goals. It’s already mapped out. As long as you stay pointed in the right direction, you’ll get there. Even in the worst traffic jams, you still get to your destination at some point. It’s the same way with dieting – just a matter of time. It may take longer than you first expected, but you will get there.
There will always be periods of stopping and starting. It’s something that you should just anticipate and allow for. No use getting upset or stressed about not making progress. It’s a normal part of the journey.
Sometimes, you’ve just gotta go with the flow of what’s going on around you. Life can present some situations that you really can’t do anything about. When that happens, staying straight and steady – doing the best that you can – will keep you on track and sane. In traffic, impatient people stop, change lanes, weave in and out of other cars, driving themselves and everyone else crazy – and in the end, usually don’t get any farther along than you do by staying put and going with the flow.
Shortcuts never work.
Driving too fast is dangerous. That’s why they call it "crash" dieting. Slow down, take what life gives you, and make sure you arrive at your destination in good health.
I finally did get to my destination after all. Hands were pried away from the steering wheel, teeth were unclenched, and a few aspirin were popped. Of course, people in the cars around me probably had a good laugh at my arm-waving and soundless yelling. Funny how we can lose our senses when faced with something that frustrates us, whether it’s traffic or our diets.
Thanks to these insights, my story had a happy ending. Hopefully, remembering these rules will help you reach your destination sooner – and more content – than you expected.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
"BAD" Foods You SHOULD be Eating
Peanut Butter
The bad rep: Peanut butter is super-fattening.
The good news: Peanut Butter is high in fat but that doesn’t mean it’s fattening. (Gaining or losing weight, and body fat, basically comes down to balancing calories.) That said, peanut butter is a concentrated source of calories, so you don’t want to go overboard. But you don’t need to eat tons to feel satisfied: just a tablespoon (90 calories) or two of peanut butter goes a long way. Plus, peanut butter provides protein and folate, a B vitamin important for the healthy development of new cells.
The bad rep: A significant source of dietary cholesterol, egg yolks are off-limits for those concerned about heart health.
The good truth: Medical experts now emphasize that saturated fats and trans fats are bigger culprits in raising blood cholesterol than dietary cholesterol is. Plus, eggs are super-satisfying: in one study, people who ate a scrambled-egg-and-toast breakfast felt more satisfied, and ate less at lunch, than they did when they ate a bagel that had the same number of calories. Egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin, compounds that research links with reduced risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in people over 50.
The bad rep: Beef is full of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, so people who care about their hearts should avoid it.
The good truth: Lean cuts of beef are a low-fat source of protein and iron, a mineral essential for getting oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body—and one many women (of childbearing age) are deficient in. There are many lean cuts of steaks: filet mignon, sirloin, strip steak, flank steak. If you can’t remember the names, pick steaks that are deep red with a relatively small amount of marbling—a fancy name for fat—to find lean cuts.
The bad rep: Chocolate has lots of fat, lots of sugar—and it tastes amazing, so it must be bad for you.
The good news: Dark chocolate contains flavanols, antioxidants that seem to have a blood-thinning effect, which can benefit cardiovascular health. And, recently, researchers in Switzerland reported that eating dark chocolate (1.4 ounces of it) every day for two weeks reduced stress hormones, including cortisol, in highly stressed people. But be sure to account for the calories (1.4 ounces delivers 235)—or you may be stressed to see extra pounds creeping on.
The bad rep: Potatoes rank high on the glycemic index, which measures how quickly different foods raise your blood sugar. Foods with a high GI value tend to cause a higher spike in blood sugar—and in insulin, the hormone that helps glucose get into cells—which can be a problem for some people, particularly those with diabetes.
The good news: Potatoes are a good source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C. And unless you’re eating an absolutely plain potato all by itself, its GI value doesn’t matter. (It’s also worth noting that the glycemic index is an imperfect and controversial scale.) A high-GI potato becomes a low-GI meal if you simply add a little olive oil, because the added fat helps slow the absorption of the potato’s carbohydrates.

The bad rep: Peanut butter is super-fattening.
The good news: Peanut Butter is high in fat but that doesn’t mean it’s fattening. (Gaining or losing weight, and body fat, basically comes down to balancing calories.) That said, peanut butter is a concentrated source of calories, so you don’t want to go overboard. But you don’t need to eat tons to feel satisfied: just a tablespoon (90 calories) or two of peanut butter goes a long way. Plus, peanut butter provides protein and folate, a B vitamin important for the healthy development of new cells.

The bad rep: A significant source of dietary cholesterol, egg yolks are off-limits for those concerned about heart health.
The good truth: Medical experts now emphasize that saturated fats and trans fats are bigger culprits in raising blood cholesterol than dietary cholesterol is. Plus, eggs are super-satisfying: in one study, people who ate a scrambled-egg-and-toast breakfast felt more satisfied, and ate less at lunch, than they did when they ate a bagel that had the same number of calories. Egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin, compounds that research links with reduced risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in people over 50.

The bad rep: Beef is full of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, so people who care about their hearts should avoid it.
The good truth: Lean cuts of beef are a low-fat source of protein and iron, a mineral essential for getting oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body—and one many women (of childbearing age) are deficient in. There are many lean cuts of steaks: filet mignon, sirloin, strip steak, flank steak. If you can’t remember the names, pick steaks that are deep red with a relatively small amount of marbling—a fancy name for fat—to find lean cuts.

The bad rep: Chocolate has lots of fat, lots of sugar—and it tastes amazing, so it must be bad for you.
The good news: Dark chocolate contains flavanols, antioxidants that seem to have a blood-thinning effect, which can benefit cardiovascular health. And, recently, researchers in Switzerland reported that eating dark chocolate (1.4 ounces of it) every day for two weeks reduced stress hormones, including cortisol, in highly stressed people. But be sure to account for the calories (1.4 ounces delivers 235)—or you may be stressed to see extra pounds creeping on.

The bad rep: Potatoes rank high on the glycemic index, which measures how quickly different foods raise your blood sugar. Foods with a high GI value tend to cause a higher spike in blood sugar—and in insulin, the hormone that helps glucose get into cells—which can be a problem for some people, particularly those with diabetes.
The good news: Potatoes are a good source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C. And unless you’re eating an absolutely plain potato all by itself, its GI value doesn’t matter. (It’s also worth noting that the glycemic index is an imperfect and controversial scale.) A high-GI potato becomes a low-GI meal if you simply add a little olive oil, because the added fat helps slow the absorption of the potato’s carbohydrates.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Results week 8
Before I get to week 8 results, I want to update all of you on what will be happening after we finish this round in 2 weeks...
BIGGEST LOSER 12-week Challenge: Kicks off Monday, January 3rd.
This next big challenge will run 12 weeks instead of 10, and by popular demand, we are bringing back the "Do Not Weigh" pass. Which means each participant will be given one "Do Not Weigh" pass at the beginning of the challenge that they can use to skip a weigh-in and avoid the penalty. This 12-week challenge will kick off on Monday, January 3rd and run through Monday, March 28th. The fee will remain $30.00 and aside from the "do not weigh" pass, all the rules will be the same as our current round. You can sign-up beginning this coming Monday.
BIGGEST LOSER 6-weeks of Christmas Challenge: Runs from our final weigh-in on November 22nd through our next initial weigh-in on January 3rd.
Here's how it works. There are no weekly weigh-ins for this maintenence challenge. The goal is to weigh no more than 1 lb heavier on January 3rd than you did on November 22nd. The only days you must be present and weigh in are November 22nd and January 3rd.
The challenge fee is $20.00
• If you weigh more than 1lb higher on January 3rd than you did on Nov. 22nd, then you win nothing and you $20.00 entry fee will be split among those who maintain or lose (see below)
• If your weight is up 1lb or less, or you have maintained, or lost additional weight during the 6 week challenge, you will get your $20.00 back... PLUS you will split all the fees that are forfeited by those in the first catagory with any others who were also successful.
- 50 people participate in the 6 week maintenance challege and pay $20.00 each
- The prize pot is $1000.00
- Of those 50 people, 18 maintain their weight or lose weight during the challenge and 32 gain more than
1 lb and forfeit their chance at a prize.
- The payout would be calculated this way... 32 x $20.00 = $640.00 forfeited
$640.00 divided by 18 winners = $35.55 ea.
$35.55 + initial $20.00 refunded = $55.55 ea.
PLUS you maintained your weight during the toughest season!
I'll have info and sign-up sheets for both challenges this coming Monday at weigh-in. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions.
And here are your TOP ten through week 8
1. Holt, Derick -18.0%
2. Almarez, Martin -17.8%
3. Hooker, James -15.8%
4. Baucom, Debbie -14.2%
5. Holt, Rick -13.8%
6. Parreira, Merry -13.5%
7. Turnbow, Juli -11.7%
8. Parreira, Joe -11.4%
9. Ainslie, Brett -10.2%
10. Lellhame, Sabrina -9.8%
MINI CHALLNEGE FROM LAST WEEK: We had 21 participants lose over 2lbs last week, and the lucky winner, drawn from those 21 names was Merry Parreirra. Merry wins a copy of the new Biggest Loser Desserts Cookbook!
And just a little more general housekeeping... we have 2 weeks remaining, with our final weigh-in for this challenge on November 22nd. As a reminder, if you owe any outstanding penalties, please come prepared to pay them off next Monday or on the 22nd. The top 10 winners will be paid via check on Friday, November 26th... I will arrange a time for you to pick up your winnings that day, or bring the check to you.
BIGGEST LOSER 12-week Challenge: Kicks off Monday, January 3rd.
This next big challenge will run 12 weeks instead of 10, and by popular demand, we are bringing back the "Do Not Weigh" pass. Which means each participant will be given one "Do Not Weigh" pass at the beginning of the challenge that they can use to skip a weigh-in and avoid the penalty. This 12-week challenge will kick off on Monday, January 3rd and run through Monday, March 28th. The fee will remain $30.00 and aside from the "do not weigh" pass, all the rules will be the same as our current round. You can sign-up beginning this coming Monday.
BIGGEST LOSER 6-weeks of Christmas Challenge: Runs from our final weigh-in on November 22nd through our next initial weigh-in on January 3rd.
Here's how it works. There are no weekly weigh-ins for this maintenence challenge. The goal is to weigh no more than 1 lb heavier on January 3rd than you did on November 22nd. The only days you must be present and weigh in are November 22nd and January 3rd.
The challenge fee is $20.00
• If you weigh more than 1lb higher on January 3rd than you did on Nov. 22nd, then you win nothing and you $20.00 entry fee will be split among those who maintain or lose (see below)
• If your weight is up 1lb or less, or you have maintained, or lost additional weight during the 6 week challenge, you will get your $20.00 back... PLUS you will split all the fees that are forfeited by those in the first catagory with any others who were also successful.
- 50 people participate in the 6 week maintenance challege and pay $20.00 each
- The prize pot is $1000.00
- Of those 50 people, 18 maintain their weight or lose weight during the challenge and 32 gain more than
1 lb and forfeit their chance at a prize.
- The payout would be calculated this way... 32 x $20.00 = $640.00 forfeited
$640.00 divided by 18 winners = $35.55 ea.
$35.55 + initial $20.00 refunded = $55.55 ea.
PLUS you maintained your weight during the toughest season!
I'll have info and sign-up sheets for both challenges this coming Monday at weigh-in. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions.
And here are your TOP ten through week 8
1. Holt, Derick -18.0%
2. Almarez, Martin -17.8%
3. Hooker, James -15.8%
4. Baucom, Debbie -14.2%
5. Holt, Rick -13.8%
6. Parreira, Merry -13.5%
7. Turnbow, Juli -11.7%
8. Parreira, Joe -11.4%
9. Ainslie, Brett -10.2%
10. Lellhame, Sabrina -9.8%
MINI CHALLNEGE FROM LAST WEEK: We had 21 participants lose over 2lbs last week, and the lucky winner, drawn from those 21 names was Merry Parreirra. Merry wins a copy of the new Biggest Loser Desserts Cookbook!
And just a little more general housekeeping... we have 2 weeks remaining, with our final weigh-in for this challenge on November 22nd. As a reminder, if you owe any outstanding penalties, please come prepared to pay them off next Monday or on the 22nd. The top 10 winners will be paid via check on Friday, November 26th... I will arrange a time for you to pick up your winnings that day, or bring the check to you.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Hidden Calories in Beverages

Most people would assume that a latté, non-fat, no whip would be low in calories. But no! The count for a Pumpkin Spice Latte, non-fat, no whip, venti at Starbucks is 330 calories. That latte’s lots of calories come from 7 teaspoons of sugar and 14 ounces of skim milk. But it could be worse: the Pumpkin Spice Latte, whole milk, whipped, venti is 510 calories. Beverages can be a surprising source of calories from added sugar and/or alcohol and fat. And those liquid calories go down with such ease that we hardly even notice them.
The Amount We Drink
A report titled, What America Drinks, analyzed data from over 10,000 Americans aged four and older who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between 1999-2000 and 2001-2002. It found that beverages account for 22 percent of calories in the average American diet. On any given day, nearly 50 percent of American kids and adults drink at least one sugary soft drink (aka soda.) When soft drink intake is averaged across the whole population (including non-consumers), intake is 12 fluid ounces per day, but soda drinkers average 24 fluid ounces. Teenage boys drink the most soda, 31 fluid ounces on an average day.
Didn't See It Coming
When people drink their calories, they do not normally compensate by eating less. In a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, Richard Mattes, Purdue University professor of foods and nutrition, gave 15 normal-weight men and women an extra 450 calories a day as either a liquid (three 12-ounce cans of soda) or a solid (45 large jelly beans) for four weeks each. He explained the study's results to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, “When they (the research subject) got the solid food, they ate less at other times, so they adjusted for all of the calories.” In contrast, “when they got the liquid food, they just added those calories to their customary diet. They didn’t compensate at all.” He concluded that liquid calories simply aren’t as filling as solid calories. It may be because liquids lack the filling power of fiber and/or they leave the stomach too fast for the brain to respond and react. Although, thick liquids, such as shakes, register better than do thin liquids.
Hidden Calories
You might want to clue your family and friends into to the problem with beverages - other than water. First, the calorie counts are off the charts, and then, their empty calories aren’t filling. Check out the calories in a 20 fluid ounce serving of the beverages on this list. Soda and soft drinks are typically sold in 20 ounce bottles, and drinks served in little glasses, like eggnog, can easily add up to 20 ounces over the course of a day.
•Coca-Cola Classic 243 calories
•Red Bull Energy Drink 265 calories
•Chick-fil-A Iced Tea 230 calories
•Gatorade Performance Series Energy Drink 516 calories
•Hawaiian Punch Fruit Juicy Red 300 calories
•Orange Juice 280 calories
•Cranberry Juice 340 calories
•Dunkin Donuts Coffee with Cream and Sugar 240 calories
•Starbucks Hot Chocolate With Whipped Cream, Whole Milk 551 calories
•Odwalla Superfood Micronutrient Fruit Juice Drink 325 calories
•Jamba Juice Banana Berry Power 433 calories
•Eggnog 860 calories
•Beer, Regular 260 calories
•Wine, Table, Red 500 calories
•Margarita 1000 calories
•TGI Friday's Mudslide Orange Dream Frozen Cocktail 1411 calories
•McDonald's Chocolate Triple Thick Shake 733 calories
Thursday, November 4, 2010

What a great dish for one of those nights when your kids have a late soccer game! Brown the meat, layer in the ingredients, set your slow cooker on low and go!
16 oz (1 lb) ground beef, 96 % lean
2 c eggplant, diced (no need to peel it)
1 jar low-sodium marinara sauce
1/4 t red pepper flakes
2 t dried thyme
1 1/4 c water
15 oz. ricotta cheese, part skim
1 T parsley chopped
1/4 c egg substitute(or 1 egg white)
1 c shredded Italian blend cheese
6 lasagna noodles, dried, no boil variety
Brown the ground beef in a skillet over moderate heat; drain any excess fat. Stir in red pepper flakes, thyme, tomato sauce, eggplant, and water. In a bowl combine the egg substitute, ricotta, Italian cheese blend, and parsley. Place enough meat sauce to cover the bottom of slow cooker. Top with 2-3 noodles, broken to cover the meat sauce. Repeat layer. Top second layer with cheese mixture and finish with a top layer of the meat mixture. Cover and set slow cooker on low. Cook for 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
Nutritional Info
Servings Per Recipe: 8
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 271.0
Total Fat: 10.2 g
Cholesterol: 56.6 mg
Sodium: 283.8 mg
Total Carbs: 18.0 g
Dietary Fiber: 1.6 g
Protein: 24.8 g
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Results Week 7
It's getting close! Only 3 more weeks to go before we crown our newest winners! I wanted to inspire a few more of you who are really close to breaking into the TOP 10, so below you will see our current Top 20. Remember, only the top 10 get paid! So now is the time to really start pushing yourself if you are close!
Top 20 through week 10
1. Almarez, Martin -16.2%
2. Holt, Derick -14.7%
3. Hooker, James -14.5%
4. Baucom, Debbie -11.6%
5. Parreira, Merry -11.6%
6. Holt, Rick -10.9%
7. Parreira, Joe -9.9%
8. Turnbow, Juli -9.5%
9. Rodrigues, Darren -8.5%
10.Ainslie, Brett -8.3%
there is only a bit over 1% difference between #10 & #20!
11. Curry, Sarah -8.2%
12. Lellhame, Sabrina -8.1%
13. Jimenez, Jose -7.9%
14. Yonano, Susan -7.8%
15. Gonzales, Elizabeth -7.7%
16. Jimenez, Sophia -7.2%
17. Clark, Jeanette -7.2%
18. Moon, Chester -7.1%
19. Herting, John -7.0%
20. Kelly, Julie -7.0%
Congratulations to all you you you lost over 2lbs these past 2 weeks! That's a tough challenge considering all the halloween candy that's been laying around! Our winner for the 2lb challenge is...... SHELLINI SINGH! Shellini gets to pick up her copy of the Biggest Loser Fitness book at the next weigh-in!
THIS WEEKS CHALLENGE: Lose 2lbs in 1 week. When you weigh in next Monday, if you have lost 2 lbs or more between 11/1 and 11/7, you will quaily for the chance to win The Biggest Loser Dessert Cookbook: More than 80 Healthy Treats That Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth without Breaking Your Calorie Budget.

Save 100+ Calories
1. Add the Olive Oil Last
We often think of sautéing as a lowfat cooking method, but some vegetables, such as eggplant, mushrooms, and greens, tend to soak up the majority of the fat that's added to the pan. Steam your veggies instead, then toss them with a few teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil, a squeeze of lemon, and a pinch of red pepper flakes and sea salt.
Calories saved per cup: 150
2. Lighten Up Your Juice
Fill a water bottle with 6 ounces of juice and an equal amount of sparkling water. Or make an Arnold Palmer by mixing 6 ounces of lemonade with an equal amount of unsweetened iced tea.
Calories saved: 100
3. Make Skinny Mashed Potatoes
Mix in half a cup of low-sodium chicken broth for every 3 pounds of potatoes instead of half a cup of butter or heavy cream. If you still crave that rich flavor, top a small scoop of mashed potatoes with a pat of butter (that's about a teaspoon) for just 36 extra calories.
Calories saved per cup: 150
4. Trade in Your Wine Glass
Traditional red wine goblets are designed with a larger bowl to allow the liquid inside a chance to breathe. Fill it up and you may be getting 8 to 9 ounces of wine. Using a champagne flute, which holds only about 5 ounces, guarantees automatic portion control.
Calories saved: 100
Save 250+ Calories
1. Downsize Your Baked Goods
You can automatically halve the calories in fresh-baked muffins by using a pan with a dozen slots rather than one with just six. And if you swap half a cup of applesauce for the half cup of butter or oil called for in your recipe, you can save an additional 75 calories per muffin.
Calories saved: 310 to 385
2. Get Sandwich Savvy
A 6-inch tuna hero with lowfat chips may seem like a light meal, but it contains 700 calories and more than 30 grams of fat. Opt for a small turkey sub without mayo or oil-and skip the soda, chips, and cookies.
Calories saved: 420
3. Bulk Up Your Pasta-with Veggies
If you're making pasta at home, a 2-cup serving of noodles with a large ladle of meat, vodka, or Alfredo sauce can set you back 600 calories or more. To fill your plate, mix a cup of pasta with a cup of steamed veggies, topping the dish with half a cup of your favorite jarred marinara sauce.
Calories saved: 250
4. Serve Dessert in a Shot Glass
Can't resist taking a slice of key lime pie or cheesecake at a buffet? Allow yourself to savor the amount that fits in a shot glass (that's about 3 tablespoons) and you'll save 80 percent of the calories you'd get in a full-size portion.
Calories saved: 360
1. Take Your Own Popcorn to the Movies
A medium container from the theater has at least 900 calories-not including the "butter" topping. Pre-pop your lowfat favorite and stash the bag in your tote.
Calories saved: 600
2. Ditch Designer Cereals and Granolas
Multigrain and all-natural options can still be high in sugar and fat. Pour a bowl with milk for breakfast and you can easily spoon up 700 calories before you even walk out the door. Go for fiber-rich cereals that contain 200 or fewer calories per cup.
Calories saved: 500
3. Choose a Leaner Cut of Meat
When dining at a restaurant, order a 6-ounce filet mignon rather than the 10-ounce T-bone or prime rib. Some chefs will brush the meat with butter or oil after cooking to make the steak look juicier, so ask that the kitchen skip this step to cut an extra 100 calories.
Calories saved: 500 to 600
4. Turn Your Back on the Buffet Table
Pick a spot that's at least 16 feet from the smorgasbord and face away from the food when eating. One study showed that people who did this ate several hundred fewer calories, on average, than those who sat just a few feet away.
Calories saved: 650
Top 20 through week 10
1. Almarez, Martin -16.2%
2. Holt, Derick -14.7%
3. Hooker, James -14.5%
4. Baucom, Debbie -11.6%
5. Parreira, Merry -11.6%
6. Holt, Rick -10.9%
7. Parreira, Joe -9.9%
8. Turnbow, Juli -9.5%
9. Rodrigues, Darren -8.5%
10.Ainslie, Brett -8.3%
there is only a bit over 1% difference between #10 & #20!
11. Curry, Sarah -8.2%
12. Lellhame, Sabrina -8.1%
13. Jimenez, Jose -7.9%
14. Yonano, Susan -7.8%
15. Gonzales, Elizabeth -7.7%
16. Jimenez, Sophia -7.2%
17. Clark, Jeanette -7.2%
18. Moon, Chester -7.1%
19. Herting, John -7.0%
20. Kelly, Julie -7.0%
Congratulations to all you you you lost over 2lbs these past 2 weeks! That's a tough challenge considering all the halloween candy that's been laying around! Our winner for the 2lb challenge is...... SHELLINI SINGH! Shellini gets to pick up her copy of the Biggest Loser Fitness book at the next weigh-in!
THIS WEEKS CHALLENGE: Lose 2lbs in 1 week. When you weigh in next Monday, if you have lost 2 lbs or more between 11/1 and 11/7, you will quaily for the chance to win The Biggest Loser Dessert Cookbook: More than 80 Healthy Treats That Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth without Breaking Your Calorie Budget.

Save 100+ Calories
1. Add the Olive Oil Last
We often think of sautéing as a lowfat cooking method, but some vegetables, such as eggplant, mushrooms, and greens, tend to soak up the majority of the fat that's added to the pan. Steam your veggies instead, then toss them with a few teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil, a squeeze of lemon, and a pinch of red pepper flakes and sea salt.
Calories saved per cup: 150
2. Lighten Up Your Juice
Fill a water bottle with 6 ounces of juice and an equal amount of sparkling water. Or make an Arnold Palmer by mixing 6 ounces of lemonade with an equal amount of unsweetened iced tea.
Calories saved: 100
3. Make Skinny Mashed Potatoes
Mix in half a cup of low-sodium chicken broth for every 3 pounds of potatoes instead of half a cup of butter or heavy cream. If you still crave that rich flavor, top a small scoop of mashed potatoes with a pat of butter (that's about a teaspoon) for just 36 extra calories.
Calories saved per cup: 150
4. Trade in Your Wine Glass
Traditional red wine goblets are designed with a larger bowl to allow the liquid inside a chance to breathe. Fill it up and you may be getting 8 to 9 ounces of wine. Using a champagne flute, which holds only about 5 ounces, guarantees automatic portion control.
Calories saved: 100
Save 250+ Calories
1. Downsize Your Baked Goods
You can automatically halve the calories in fresh-baked muffins by using a pan with a dozen slots rather than one with just six. And if you swap half a cup of applesauce for the half cup of butter or oil called for in your recipe, you can save an additional 75 calories per muffin.
Calories saved: 310 to 385
2. Get Sandwich Savvy
A 6-inch tuna hero with lowfat chips may seem like a light meal, but it contains 700 calories and more than 30 grams of fat. Opt for a small turkey sub without mayo or oil-and skip the soda, chips, and cookies.
Calories saved: 420
3. Bulk Up Your Pasta-with Veggies
If you're making pasta at home, a 2-cup serving of noodles with a large ladle of meat, vodka, or Alfredo sauce can set you back 600 calories or more. To fill your plate, mix a cup of pasta with a cup of steamed veggies, topping the dish with half a cup of your favorite jarred marinara sauce.
Calories saved: 250
4. Serve Dessert in a Shot Glass
Can't resist taking a slice of key lime pie or cheesecake at a buffet? Allow yourself to savor the amount that fits in a shot glass (that's about 3 tablespoons) and you'll save 80 percent of the calories you'd get in a full-size portion.
Calories saved: 360
1. Take Your Own Popcorn to the Movies
A medium container from the theater has at least 900 calories-not including the "butter" topping. Pre-pop your lowfat favorite and stash the bag in your tote.
Calories saved: 600
2. Ditch Designer Cereals and Granolas
Multigrain and all-natural options can still be high in sugar and fat. Pour a bowl with milk for breakfast and you can easily spoon up 700 calories before you even walk out the door. Go for fiber-rich cereals that contain 200 or fewer calories per cup.
Calories saved: 500
3. Choose a Leaner Cut of Meat
When dining at a restaurant, order a 6-ounce filet mignon rather than the 10-ounce T-bone or prime rib. Some chefs will brush the meat with butter or oil after cooking to make the steak look juicier, so ask that the kitchen skip this step to cut an extra 100 calories.
Calories saved: 500 to 600
4. Turn Your Back on the Buffet Table
Pick a spot that's at least 16 feet from the smorgasbord and face away from the food when eating. One study showed that people who did this ate several hundred fewer calories, on average, than those who sat just a few feet away.
Calories saved: 650
Double Your Weight Loss with 1 Easy Tip
You hear all the time that to lose weight, you should track what you eat. Well, a 2008 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine shows that keeping a "food diary" may double your weight loss efforts.
Researchers from Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research kept tabs on 1,685 overweight and obese adults (men and women), whose average weight was 212 pounds. The researchers encouraged participants to adhere to a reduced-calorie, DASH eating plan and asked them record their daily food intake and exercise minutes.
After 20 weeks, the average weight loss was 13 pounds per person. But researchers discovered something else; the more participants recorded what they ate, the more weight they lost in the end. Participants who did not keep a food diary lost about 9 pounds over the course of the study, while those who recorded their food intake six or more days per week lost 18 pounds—twice as much as those who didn't track any food!
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